The use of crushed rock sand as a partial replacement of river sand in concrete production was and 0.59 for 0 % to 100 % natural sand replacement. The slump ranged between 49 and 60 mm for 0 % to 100 % natural sand replacement. N/mm2. The effective natural sand (RS) replacement ranged between 0 and 60 % with the best results achieved at 20 %
In this experimental programme, five concrete mixes consist various quantity of palm oil clinker as partial sand replacement were prepared as in Table 1. Control specimens (POC-0) were prepared by using 100% river sand. Another, four concrete mixes consists of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% palm oil clinker by weight of sand were prepared.
replacement of crushed stone waste. Up to 50% of replacement of sand CSW, Concrete is workable for each grade of concrete. 6. B. Basavaraj1, Ravichandra Honnalli2, Sagar N S3, Praveen Ashok M4, Shwetha K C5 (2017). conducted study about replacement of sand with stone crushed powder in conventional concrete stone crusher powder has the similar
In this present work the study on replacement of coarse aggregate by demolished brick aggregate. Coarse aggregate can be defined as inert granular materials such as gravel, crushed stone and sand. Coarse aggregate is one of the essential ingredients apart of water and cement in concrete production.
Crushed sand gives different results for compressive strength depending on different quarries and from study of different research paper at 40% to 60% replacement of crushed sand the maximum compressive strength is obtained. The maximum tensile strength of concrete is obtain at 60% and 70% replacement of natural sand with
of strength characteristics of concrete using crushed pebbles as fine aggregate it is found that there is no increase in compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile strength of concrete when compared with natural sand. Key Words: crushed pebbles, fine aggregate replacement, concrete strength, compressive, tensile, flexural 1.
effect of M -sand as a fine aggregate in high strength concrete and compare the results with the River sand. The scope of the present investigation can be summarized as follows: ¾ To study the effect of workability and the str ength of concrete with the replacement of M -sand by river sand, at an addition of silica fume with cement.
partial or full replacement to river sand is the need of the hour as a long term solution in Indian concrete industry until other suitable alternative fine aggregate are developed. In the present study, a comparison of the Compressive strengths of River Sand and M-sand is done with the hundred percent replacement of river sand by M sand. Index
Replacement of Cement in Concrete 93 2.4 Limestone Limestone is calcareous sedimentary rocks formed at the bottom of lakes and seas with the accumulation of shells, bones and other calcium rich goods.
Crushed Concrete Coarse Aggregate. Use Department-owned concrete on the project to produce crushed concrete coarse aggregate. The Contractor may use crushed concrete coarse aggregate in the following concrete mixtures: curb and gutter, valley gutter, sidewalk, concrete barriers, driveways, temporary pavement, interchange ramps with a
This study aimed to investigate the suitability of using crushed brick in concrete. Crushed brick originated from demolished masonry was crushed in the laboratory and added partial sand
crushed cockle shell content as partial sand replacement. The use of crushed cockle shell as partial sand replacement in plain concrete was based on a simple approach viz. by direct replacement by weight of total fine aggregate content. The sand replacement is varied from 5% to 25% with 5% interval leading to the formulation
studied the use of crushed olive seed shell as full replacement for coarse aggregate in concrete and observed that at full replacement there was a 9% increase in the 28-day compressive strength of the concrete with crushed olive seed in comparison to the concrete with uncrushed olive seed.
Crushed sand gives different results for compressive strength depending on different quarries and from study of different research paper at 40% to 60% replacement of crushed sand the maximum compressive strength is obtained. The maximum tensile strength of concrete is obtain at 60% and 70% replacement of natural sand with
The percentage passing 150 microns of manufactured sand is relaxed to 20% (while that of natural sand is limited to 10%). As per design and economics, crushed sand can be used to partially or fully replace river sand from a concrete mix. The Availability of crushed sand is not a concern as it can be manufactured from rocks in any season.
the resulting concrete, the use of crushed stone sand in concrete is regarded as a sustainable concrete production practice (Gupta et al., 2019; Mundra et al., 2016). In this work, the effect of partial replacement of NWA with LWA and 100% replacement of
C-25 concrete properties with partial replacement of river sand by manufactured sand. Independent variables • Percentage of manufactured sand. • Properties of fine and coarse aggregates. • Curing age of cubes. Research design The study was an experimental study of C-25 concrete properties with and without replacement of manufactured sand.
replacement of CSFB aggregate concrete is marginally higher than that of the river sand aggregate concrete at age of 7 days, 14 days and 28 days respectively. Tiara Darshita et al. (June 2014),studied about the strength and workability of different grades of concrete by partial replacement of fine aggregate by crushed brick and recycled glass
crushed stone and sand and gravel. This is an important con-sideration because the substitution of crushed cement con-crete for natural aggregates occurs for end uses more often fulfilled by the use of crushed stone than sand and gravel. THE FUTURE OF CRUSHED CEMENT CONCRETE SUBSTITUTION. The markets for construction aggregates are largely
Replacement of River Sand by M Sand Concrete. Dr. M. Kannan. HOD CIVIL-PITS. Paul Imbrish. Dept of CIVIL-PITS. Fantin Jesanth. A. Dept of CIVIL-PITS. Abstract:- Manufactured sand is a term used for aggregate material s less than 4.75mm and which are processed for from crushed rock or gravel. due to booming of construction activities in our country, natural sand resources are increasingly
A Study on Rice Husk Ash as Partial Replacement for Cement and Crushed Stone Sand for Natural Sand in Concrete- A Review 1Mr. Kripanshu Joshi , Prof. Shashikant Dhobale2 1ME Student Jawaharlal Institute of Technology, Borawan M.P. India 2Asst. Prof Jawaharlal Institute of Technology, Borawan M.P. India
of strength characteristics of concrete using crushed pebbles as fine aggregate it is found that there is no increase in compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile strength of concrete when compared with natural sand. Key Words: crushed pebbles, fine aggregate replacement, concrete strength, compressive, tensile, flexural 1.
The use of crushed rock sand as a partial replacement of river sand in concrete production was investigated. Water cement ratio varied between 0.55 and 0.59 for 0 % to 100 % natural sand replacement. The slump ranged between 49 and 60 mm for 0 % to 100 % natural sand replacement.
They give body to the concrete, reduce shrinkage and quarry waste and its effect on the strength and workability of effect economy. concrete. This paper reports the experimental study which QUARRY DUST: Crushed rock aggregate quarrying investigated the partial replacement of sand with quarry dust. generates considerable volumes of quarry fines
concrete mixes containing different glass aggregate replacement up to 20 % by volume of sand; with and without admixtures. 144 cubes and 144 cylinders were prepared with different
mix and (iv) up to 20% of sand replacement with CCB will result in compressive strength that is not significantly different from the control. Keywords: Compressive Strength, Concrete, Crushed cow bone, Density, Workability 1. Introduction Concrete is considered to be a universal construction material for many reasons. It is resistant to water when
C-25 concrete properties with partial replacement of river sand by manufactured sand. Independent variables • Percentage of manufactured sand. • Properties of fine and coarse aggregates. • Curing age of cubes. Research design The study was an experimental study of C-25 concrete properties with and without replacement of manufactured sand.
crushed stone dust in making concrete by partial replacement of natural river sand, then this will n ot only save the cost of construction but at the same time it will solve the problem of disposal of this dust. On the other hand, the advantages of utilization of byproducts o r
Partial replacement of sand is experimented by using crushed brick grit with the percentage of 10% to 40% till the sample is upgraded to next zone. The improvement in gradation of the mixed samples have been analyzed and compared with Table 3. Accordingly, results are tabulated below in Table 4.
partial or full replacement to river sand is the need of the hour as a long term solution in Indian concrete industry until other suitable alternative fine aggregate are developed. In the present study, a comparison of the Compressive strengths of River Sand and M-sand is done with the hundred percent replacement of river sand by M sand. Index