Because copper has a higher affinity for sulfur than oxygen, the copper in the slag (as copper oxide) is converted to copper sulfide. The copper sulfide is removed and the remaining slag is discarded. Converting produces blister copper by eliminating the remaining iron and sulfur present in the matte. All but one U. S. smelter uses Pierce-Smith converters, which are refractory-lined
Copper smelter slag: Copper dust: 1–50%: Copper smelter dust : Copper scrap that is adequately clean can be directly recovered through remelting without further refining, whereas scrap of lower grade has to be refined in similar processes as primary copper. Copper scrap is often classified according to its source: (1) direct or “home scrap”, which is the scrap generated at the smelter
Method of and apparatus for leaching copper from slags by the use of a device comprising at least two cells separated by partitions and connected to each other by means of through-holes provided at the bottom part of the partitions, a slag charging hole, a copper matte charging hole, a slag discharge hole, a copper matte discharge hole, and a heating appliance, said partitions being
Copper Slag Processing Machine In Australia. Copper Slag Processing Machine In Australia. Leading products include jaw crusher, cone crusher, mobile crusher, sand making machine, hammer crusher, roller crusher, ball mill, raymond mill, dryer machine, cement plant, briquette machine, grinding equipment etc.
Reductively roasted copper slag (20 g) and water (20 g) were further ground in the vibrating mill, and the mix slurry was subjected to a magnetic tube (XCGS-50, Jinchuan Shicheng Processing Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., China) to recover the iron. After solid–liquid separation, the magnetic concentrate and tailing were dried in a vacuum drying oven to avoid oxidation of metallic iron
Using blasting or high-pressure spraying techniques, companies can use copper slag to clean large smelting furnaces or equipment. Slag blasting is also used to remove rust, paint, and other materials from the surface of metal or stone. This helps to prep the surface for painting, or simply to remove unwanted finishes or residue. Copper slag is a by-product created during the extraction of
Slag Grinding Machine Manufacturers
Ball mill can process barite, slime, potash feldspar, tungsten carbide, copper ore, slag, hematite, white ash, gold ore, aluminum powder, high alumina porcelain, iron powder, fluorite ore, Steel slag,dozens or even hundreds of ores . Learn more. Introduction of Rod Mill Machine 06 22, 2018
Singapore''s largest used copper slag processing facilities at geocycle singapore Pte Ltd officially opens today; Tenders for Annual Transport Contract for year 2011-12 ; Airborne Exposure to Heavy Metals and Total Particulate During Abrasive Blasting Using Copper Slag Abrasive; Copper slag recycling; Used Copper Slag or Steel Slag information criteria; Equipment Suppliers. Green Diamond vs
Slag Grinding Machine Manufacturers
One of the most viable options for treating crushed and sorted WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electric Equipment) copper scrap fractions is pyrometallurgical processing via black copper smelting [1, 2
Copper Scrap Recycling. Recycling of copper scrap greatly reduces natural resource exploration as an alternative source of copper metallurgy and has big advantage in investment, production cost and off-gas treatment, thus making the copper scrap smelting projects remunerative. However, due to the wide source range, the copper scrap is
The production of copper slag in accordance with international standards is carried out on modern equipment, which guarantees high quality of manufactured abrasive products. Copper slag is a modern granular slag that makes it easy to remove persistent dirt, mill scale, and corrosion products using sandblasting. Cooperslag is suitable for high-performance abrasive cleaning of steel and concrete
The invention provides a two-step copper smelting process and equipment. The process consists of the steps of bottom blowing smelting and converting. The process equipment consists of a bottom blowing smelting furnace and two converting furnaces that are laid in the shape of a Chinese character ''''pin''''. The three devices are all rotatable horizontal cylindrical furnaces with shells made of a
Besides, high quality of copper processing equipment can be sourced from Prominer. Copper Processing Plant description: There are mainly three types of copper ore: sulfide type copper ore, oxide type copper ore and mixed ore. Based on abundant experiences on copper mining project, Prominer supplies customized solution for different types of copper ore. General processing technologies for
Copper Scrap Recycling. Recycling of copper scrap greatly reduces natural resource exploration as an alternative source of copper metallurgy and has big advantage in investment, production cost and off-gas treatment, thus making the copper scrap smelting projects remunerative. However, due to the wide source range, the copper scrap is
Processing Copper Slag For Iron Recovery .com. Recovery of metals from melting furnace slag has become an important branch waste part Mining Equipment; >>GET MORE . equipment used in the recovery of iron from copper slag copper slag recovery equipment Mineralogy and recovery of copper from reverb furnace smelter slag. all the localities is weakly to moderately ma.millic
Copper slag processing equipment. We are here for your questions anytime 24/7, welcome your consultation. Get Price. Copper slag processing equipment : We provide customers with a variety of good quality construction and mining crushing equipment, and optimize the combination of various types of equipment to meet different process needs. PRODUCT . copper slag screening equipment . copper slag
The cost advantage of processing quenched slags results from elimination of the slow-cooling and crushing operations inherent in the treatment of slow-cooled slags. (2) Flotation of slow-cooled slag yields a slightly higher copper recovery and a lower copper tailing. (3) Quenched slags are more difficult to grind than slow-cooled slag. (4) The
Copper slag processing equipment : We provide customers with a variety of good quality construction and mining crushing equipment, and optimize the combination of various types of equipment to meet different process needs. Get Price. Mobile crushing plant; Cone crusher; Jaw crusher; Impact Crusher ; Related products. copper slag screening equipment . copper slag screening equipment copper slag
Besides, high quality of copper processing equipment can be sourced from Prominer. Copper Processing Plant description: There are mainly three types of copper ore: sulfide type copper ore, oxide type copper ore and mixed ore. Based on abundant experiences on copper mining project, Prominer supplies customized solution for different types of copper ore. General processing technologies for
A hydrometallurgical process for treating slag material, especially copper smelter slag material, comprises vigorously mixing the slag material with about one part by weight of sulfuric acid and about one part by weight of water for each part by weight of the slag material, and allowing the resulting mixture to react to produce a dry, solid material, containing the metal values of the slag in
Slag Crushing Equipment, Slag Crushing Equipment Suppliers. offers 597 slag crushing equipment products. About 61 of these are crusher, 1 are other food processing machinery. A wide variety of slag crushing equipment options are available to you, such as jaw crusher, cone crusher, and impact crusher. Equipment 187 iron slag crushing screening
The slag composite is higher than the clean slag, owing to its containing matte from slag cleaning that ran out with the slag since no provision was made to tap it separately. The low recovery of metallic copper was typical, owing to copper losses, in this case 24.4 percent as shown in the unaccounted column. Copper is left in crucible recessions and cracks and is lost in matte splatter during
RTB Bor is located in eastern Serbia and excavates more than 40 million tons per annum of copper ore and overburden at multiple mining and processing sites: Veliki Krivelj (its largest site), Cerovo Mine, the underground mine Jama, the Smelter and Copper Slag Processing Plant, all of which are based in and around Bor, plus the Majdanpek mine and processing plant located some 80 km northeast of
Copper processing description from its geology mineral property to how to extract mineral from rock and placer deposit, related processing plant flow chart and layout design. Gold Mining Equipment +86-13879771862
Copper slag. MB Crusher equipment processes the waste material which is then reused in things like construction and road substrates. Request information. See related products.
Slag Grinding Machine Manufacturers
Chemical Engineer, doctor engineering degree in Materials Science and Processing, with over 25 years of experience in non-ferrous metallurgy, with focus in extractive metallurgy of copper, lead, zinc, and nickel and multi metal recovery. Dr. Alvear initiated his carrier in the academic field in Chile. In 1990 he was awarded by the Japanese government with the Monbusho Ministry of Education
Because copper has a higher affinity for sulfur than oxygen, the copper in the slag (as copper oxide) is converted to copper sulfide. The copper sulfide is removed and the remaining slag is discarded. Converting produces blister copper by eliminating the remaining iron and sulfur present in the matte. All but one U. S. smelter uses Pierce-Smith converters, which are refractory-lined
Copper slag. MB Crusher equipment processes the waste material which is then reused in things like construction and road substrates. Request information. See related products.
Copper slag, or fayalite slag, is a by-product obtained during the matte smelting, converting and refining of copper (Fig. 7.11). 54,59 It has been estimated that for every tonne of copper produced, about 2.2 tonnes of slag is generated, 60 as a consequence of the relatively low grades of copper concentrates now available.
Besides, high quality of copper processing equipment can be sourced from Prominer. Copper Processing Plant description: There are mainly three types of copper ore: sulfide type copper ore, oxide type copper ore and mixed ore. Based on abundant experiences on copper mining project, Prominer supplies customized solution for different types of copper ore. General processing technologies for